Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pre-itunes meeting notes from 7-17-2008

itunes U


-There seems to be two templates or looks.

1. The standard 600 x 300 image with links to the right of the banner and smaller icons.


2. Banner acroos the top, larger album icons, topo downloads and search functions


-This is what I like as far as navigation and layout and look (not necessarily artwork or slogans)

Other People’s Content

-Carnegie Mellon has high quality content (Beyond the Classroom)

1. Daniel vs Robophone Pop Up

2. Student testimonials –Pittsburgh

-University of Nebraska at Lincoln (Backyard Wildlife)

1. Episode 1 Backyard Wildlife HD

-A lot of stuff ie Courseware and stuff is poorly recorded audio.



· Audio files (AAC, MP3) with appropriate file extensions (.m4a, .mp3). For best results during playback, Apple recommends converting MP3 files greater than 32 megabytes (MB) to AAC format. For AAC audio files, Apple recommends the following specifications:

· Audio Format: Baseline Low-Complexity Profile with AAC-LC (Music)

· Data Rate: Up to 160 Kbps

· Channels: Stereo in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov formats

· Output Sample Rate: 48 kHz

· Encoding Quality: Better

Deciding Which Audio Format to Use

The most common Internet audio file formats you might encounter are AAC and

MP3. Although MP3 is widely used, the AAC format offers several advantages,

especially when creating content for delivery:

• This newer format uses more advanced technology.

• It offers better compression than MP3, which means higher quality results and

smaller file sizes.

• The format is compatible with iTunes and iPod. (Even listeners who do not have

iPod can still listen through iTunes.)

• It supports chapters. (Your listeners can jump to a specific section of your content.)

An enhanced podcast can be divided into chapters, allowing listeners to quickly

navigate to specific parts of the podcast or content. Each chapter can have an

associated piece of artwork.

• The format provides the ability to incorporate URLs and pictures set to appear at

certain times during playback of audio files. (Images are visible within iTunes and

on iPod with color display. URLS are accessible within iTunes.)

Note: You can choose to make your content available in both formats (MP3 and

AAC), or your listeners can use iTunes to convert AAC files to MP3 files.

What Is Metadata?

Information about information is called metadata. For example, an audio file

contains audio information. The name of the person that created the file, the length

of the file, title of the file, description, and so on, are examples of metadata a file

might contain.

Metadata is useful for several reasons:

• The iTunes and iPod user interface is built from the metadata. For example,

clicking the Artist category would yield useless results if you didn’t enter

information for the artist metadata.

• It makes browsing and searching much more efficient and helpful to your

audience. Listeners can search by the information in the Artist field, search by your

groupings, or any other category.

• It supports and reinforces the content. For example, in an educational context,

metadata meets the needs of different learning styles. There are visual learners

and those who learn better by reading text. A speech of a political leader could

include the text of the speech that listeners can read as they hear the speech, and

it could include


· Video files (MPEG-4 with H.264 compression) with appropriate file extensions (.mp4, .m4v, .mov). For best results with iPod, Apple recommends using MPEG-4 with H.264 compression with the following specifications:

· Video Format: MPEG-4 with H.264

· Data Rate: Up to 1.5 Mbps

· Image Size: 640 x 480 pixels

· Frame Rate: 30 frames per second

· Key Frame: Every 24 frames

· Audio Tracks: Baseline Low-Complexity Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps

Formatting Video for the iPod or Apple TV

Although iTunes can play a variety of .mp4, .m4v, and .mov video formats, Apple TV

and the iPod require more specific formats.

The iPod supports up to 640 x 480, while Apple TV supports up to 1280 x 720. To

optimize for both platforms, it is recommended that your source file is at least 640

pixels wide and that you use the built-in iPod converters in Compressor (H.264 for

iPod), QuickTime Pro (Movie to iPod), or iTunes (Convert Selection for iPod). Each of

these maintains the aspect ration of your source file and results in an M4V file

containing H.264 video (Low Complexity version of the Baseline profile) and AAC-LC

audio. If you want to maximize the screen area of a wide-screen TV, your source file

should have an aspect ratio of 16:9 (for example, 640 x 360). If you want to maximize

the screen area on the iPod, your source file should have an aspect ratio of 4:3 (for

example, 640 x 480).

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